sabato 23 agosto 2008

KHOVD – MONGOLIA 246 km (total 11447 km)

By now you know Mongolia has not exactly a network of real roads, just a lot of dirt tracks, plus plenty of river crossing. Which results in a stunning average of 30 km/h. Great for sightseeing, less so if you are till over 1400 km from you final destination.

Despite all this, R4 is surprisingly back to normal and ran without a single glitch for the whole day. Let’s see how it will handle the road to Altai, 400+ km from our current stop.

2 commenti:

barabba ha detto...

Siete i nostri eroi; la Gazzetta di Vicenza vi celebra come i nuovi Marco Polo de noantri con un articolo pubblicato dopo la sagra della renga.
La Bea mi fà notare che non siete però dimagriti...saranno mica le spiagge di Riccione anzichè il Gobi?
Auguri, Barabba

Lars ha detto...

Congratulations on reaching Mongolia mate. There is a mechanic in Arkhiveer who might actually be able to fix something - bechause he has our tools. Youll find him at the road in town that has all the workshops. He is across the street from the hotel, and has his own ramp.

Also, i should warn you that the roads will turn shit again about 100kms from UB, and will be bad until you get to town.

Good luck mate, im back home now!
